About Us
Our Mission and Roles
The League of Women Voters is a membership organization. The League neither supports nor opposes any political party or candidate for public office. The League encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
The League of Women Voters has two separate and distinct roles.
Voter Service/Citizen Education: we present unbiased nonpartisan information about elections, the voting process, and issues by producing Candidates' Forums, Pros & Cons events, and Vote411.org. We
Build citizen participation in the democratic process.
Study key community issues at all government levels.
Enable people to seek positive solutions to public policy issues through education and conflict management.
Action/Advocacy: we are also nonpartisan, but, after study, we use our positions to advocate for or against particular policies in the public interest. Without a position, action/advocacy cannot be taken.
See a two-page set of Frequently Asked Questions with answers for more information about us.
We have specific rules and guidelines we use to operate as a nonpartisan organization in our Nonpartisan Policy.
Also see all policies that we have adopted in our Policy Handbook.
The League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. Join Us Today!!
Meet our Board of Directors.
Other League Organizations
Our Santa Clara/San Jose League is one of five local Leagues in Santa Clara County. The others are:
Our members are also members of:
See other Leagues in California and other state Leagues and local League websites.
Read about the History of the League.