Our League in Action!
The League takes action on an issue or advocates for a cause when there is an existing League position that supports the issue or speaks to the cause. Examples include:
Publishing recommendations on a ballot measure,
Advocating for or against legislative action by a government agency,
Providing comment on policies and procedures that impact transparency, public engagement and/or the principles of democracy.
The League never takes action or advocates on behalf of a candidate or political party.
Action & Advocacy activities include:
Writing advocacy letters to decision-makers
Organizing public education events
Making direct contact with elected officials (i.e. email, phone, individual letters, etc.) by the Board on behalf of the League and/or by individual members prompted by “Time for Action” alerts
Issuing public statements via media, website, social media, etc.
Conducting a study in preparation for taking or updating a League position.
Priorities for Action/Advocacy
The League set these priorities for the year at the annual meeting in June 2024:
Voter Education and Participation
Climate and the Environment
Mental Health