Upcoming League Events
LWV Bay Area League Day
Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025 10:00am - 1:00 pm
On Zoom
Regional Government: How Does It Affect You?
LWV Bay Area's annual issue education forum will focus on the inner workings of regional governance. Have you ever wondered how regional government works and how it affects your daily life? How do decisions made by MTC-ABAG affect a local jurisdiction? The event will include a keynote address and an update on LWV Bay Area's regional government and land use study, currently underway.
Lunch With League
March 20, 2025 11:30am - 1:00 pm
Sobrato for Nonprofits
Women’s Ways of Leading
In honor of Women's History month, we will welcome League member Mary Gardner, and a special guest, to introduce you to Linda G Lambert's and Mary E Gardner's new book celebrating women's leadership. The book guides people on a journey of self-discovery through a fresh perspective on leadership with an innovative Framework on Women’s Leadership Development.
Please join us and bring a friend!