Communication to Public Officials and the Press
Letters to City, County, and Other Public Officials
San Jose City Council: Local Energy Building Codes (Reach Codes). 9/11
San Jose City Council: Housing Element. 6/18
SJ Transportation & Env. Comm: Community Forest Management Plan Report. 6/4
San Jose City Council: Amend Title 12 of SJ Municipal Code about Campaign Finance
San Jose City Council: Revision of Allocations of Measure E Real Property Transfer Tax Revenues. 5/16
San Jose City Council: Climate Smart San Jose Natural and Working Lands Element 5/1
Santa Clara County Planning Department: Comments on Sargent Ranch Quarry Draft EIR. 9/20
San Jose Planning & Housing Commissions: Draft Housing Element. 8/21
Santa Clara County BOS (from LWV SC County): Support Ranked Choice Voting. 8/10
San Jose City Council: Climate Smart SJ. 6/13
SC County BOS (from LWV SC County): Local Implementation of CEDAW. 5/11
Press Release (from LWV SC County): Vote No on Measure A. 4/20
San Jose City Council: Move Mayoral Election. 1/10
Santa Clara County Bd of Supv: Coyote Valley. 12/13
San Jose City Council: Community Forest Mgmt Plan. 12/10
San Jose City Council: Campaign Finance. 11/15
San Jose City Council: Campaign Disclosures. 11/15
San Jose City Council: Coyote Valley. 11/11
San Jose Redistricting Commission: Independent Redistricting Comm. 11/2
San Jose Planning Commission: Coyote Valley. 10/27
San Jose City Council: Interim Housing in Parking Lot E. 10/1
Transportation & Environment Committee of SJ City Council: Community Forest Mgmt. Plan. 9/30
San Jose Charter Review Commission: Emergency Powers of Mayor. 9/24
SJ Dept of Transportation: Community Forest Mgmt. Plan. 9/13
San Jose City Council: Affordable Housing Siting Policy. 8/18
San Jose Charter Review Commission: Comments on CRC Work Plan. 8/15
San Jose City Council: About our Study of Local Governance. 1/19
San Jose General Plan 4-Year Review Task Force: Coyote Valley in San Jose. 10/23
San Jose City Council: Charter Review Commission Recommendations. 9/22
San Jose City Council: Residential Anti-Displacement Strategy. 9/20
San Jose City Council: Support Community Plan to End Homelessness 2020-2025. 8/24
San Jose City Council: Support Commercial Linkage Fee. 8/23
San Jose City Council: Support Expansion of Authority of Independent Police Auditor. 8/3
SC County BOS (from LWV SC County): Support Proposition 15. 7/18
San Jose City Council: Reconsideration of Potential Ballot Measure (Strong Mayor). 7/15
San Jose City Council: Opposing Strong Mayor Initiative. 6/29
San Jose Planning Commission: Supporting the Blossom Hill Road Sr. Housing Project (12/9)
San Jose City Council: Regarding Purchase of Some Coyote Valley Property (11/4)
San Jose City Council: Regarding Stormwater Infrastructure (9/9)
California High-Speed Rail Regional Manager: Regarding the San Jose and Merced Alignment (8/20)
San Jose City Council: Regarding Reach Code planning (7/23)
San Jose City Council: Regarding the 2040 General Plan (6/6)
San Jose City Council: Comment on Draft Green Stormwater Infrastructure Plan (5/7)
San Jose City Council: Regarding the Planning Commission Appointments (4/22)
San Jose City Council: Support of Community Choice Aggregation (2/24)
San Jose City Council: Supporting Green Infrastructure
County Board of Supervisors: Objecting to Morgan Hill Urban Services Area Expansion
San Jose City Council: Supporting Commercial Linkage Fee
San Jose City Council: Supporting Climate Smart San Jose
San Jose City Council: Opposing the Evergreen Senior Homes Initiative
GHG Strategy/Climate Change in the San Jose General Plan Update (GP 2040 Update)
Letters to The Editor
2017 Letter to the Editor San Jose Mercury News: Opposing the Election Assistance Commission Termination Act