Spring flowers aren't the only things growing at a fast pace. Thanks to the high energy work of our Membership Committee, chaired by Gloria Loventhal and Carol Watts, new members are pouring in since the start of our fiscal year! Good news, indeed, but the even better news is that many recent members are jumping into active involvement with the League -- bringing fresh perspectives, resources and talents to our very grateful organization. We'll be profiling some of these new members in upcoming issues of The VOTER, starting with Michelle Fernandez interviewed this month. Congratulations to the Membership Committee for these outstanding efforts and WELCOME new members!
On a sadder note, I want to note the passing in March of former Santa Clara City Manager Jennifer Sparacino. The League worked closely with the City of Santa Clara during the heyday of its national award-winning Vote Ethics program and we became familiar with Jennifer's grace-under-fire management style that focused on transparency, fairness, and community involvement. Her accomplishments were many and Santa Clara is a better place because of her leadership for so many years. She will be missed.
All League members are invited to attend the monthly Board of Directors meeting. The next one is Thursday, April 4, 3 p.m. on Zoom. If you would like to receive the agenda and/or the link to attend, please email me.
Diane McNutt, President