I know exactly where the Presidential Election is going. All you have to do is read the signs.
Being a political pundit must be a terrible job this year. Or maybe it's easier than usual because there have been so many twists and turns that no one expects you to accurately forecast what is going to happen. While we each have personal feelings about what the election outcome should be, the League -- as a nonpartisan organization -- is focused on the democratic process between now and the final vote count. Is every eligible voter registered? Does every voter understand when and where to vote? Does every voter have access to information about candidates and measures? Does every voter understand the importance of their individual vote?
We need your volunteer support now! This newsletter is packed with information on how to be involved. There are many types of activities and a variety of time commitments. Find the ones that best match your interests and availability and get signed up today.
Diane McNutt, President
League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara